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        Toys               by Ephraim Barkley

History of Toys


Toys have been around for eons. They are something we use to pass the time and have some fun. Toys have been around since 900-950 B.C., a toy that was found from this period was a wooden horse with wheels. Toys became a lot more popular during the Enlightenment Era. But toys have evolved a lot since then, toys are now mass produced and always commercialized. Toys used to be a home made item made from items found in the wild. In ancient Egypt dolls were found that were made from wax, twigs, stones and other materials easily found in nature. Egyptians also played with played with toys like dolls, toy soldiers, wooden animals, ball, marbles, spinning tops and knuckle bones. In ancient Greece they also had dolls. Ancient Greece also had yo-yo’s, children played with sticks, bows and arrows and they even invented an early puzzles the used 3-D shapes. These dolls actually had body parts that could be moved. Ancient Greek children also played ball game and they would use inflated pig bladders as the ball, this probably evolved into modern day sports. Ancient Roman children played with dolls made of clay or wood, ball games, board games and animal knuckle bones. click here for full article...



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Spin Top

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Jack In Box

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