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Code from OpenSCAD

       Clocks               by Luis Galindo

           Cu Cu For Clocks

There are many types of clocks such as sundials, water clocks, and even grandfather and grandmother clocks. Throughout the history of time there have been many people who have invented and created different types of clocks. Benjamin Banneker was an African American farmer who Sometime in the early 1750s, had borrowed a pocket watch from a a acquaintance. Benjamin borrowed the watch to open it up in order for him to study the clocks many components. Shortly after returning the watch to his acquaintance, Benjamin decided to make a clock that was made of out of carved wooden pieces. Although clocks already existed before Benjamin made his clock out of carved wood pieces he was the first one to make a clock made out of wood. Due to all the attention he got from his handmade clock Benjamín was able to start his own watch and clock repair business shop. Today it’s simple for us to know what time it is we can simply look at a clock and know what the time. Unfortunately it wasn't like that in the ancient times. Back then there were two forms of water clocks, outflow and inflow. In an outflow water clock, the inside of a container was marked with lines of measurement. The container was filled with water, which allowed it to leak out at a steady pace. One was able to tell time by measuring the change in water level. An inflow water clock followed the same idea as an outflow one, based on the amount of water that dripped from the first container, one was able to tell how much time had passed.

personal statement

Design 1
Design 2

Code from OpenSCAD

Clock Tower

Design 3

Code from OpenSCAD

Code from OpenSCAD

Design 4


Hour Glass

Water Clock

For my final 3D printing project I was giving the task to create 4 different 3d objects that all related to each other somehow. After much debate of what I should make for my final 3D designs I decided to create 3D shape timekeeping devices. I knew that I didn't want to create something everyone else would make. The reason why I decided to make the designs I made was, because when we went to Muji which is a Japanese store, as a class trip for 3D printing I really liked some of the clock designs I saw there and got inspiration to make some sort of timekeeping devices. Even after I knew what objects I wanted to create, I still didn't know what type of timekeeping devices I should make but after doing some research on different types of timekeeping devices I ultimately  decided to make four different types of timekeeping devices. The four different timekeeping devices I decided to make are, an hourglass, a clocktower, a sundial, and an ancient Egypt water clock. Even simple objects like timekeeping devices have a deeper meaning than one might think. The meaning behind each of the four objects I made is that each timekeeping device represents my time at Frank Mccourt High School coming to an end. Just like all good things they eventually must come to an end and these timekeeping devices are significant because they're the last couple of projects I'll do before graduating and that I feel very proud of. I am proud of the work I've done in my 3D printing class because I've always struggle with anything math related so for me to create four amazing timekeeping devices is a huge accomplishment for me. Coming into the 3D printing class I had no idea what to expect at all, I knew one thing and that is that I will pass this class no matter what it would take.  What I’ve learned in this class is how to make many different objects using many different commands such as the difference command, translation command, and the rotation code among other codes. At the beginning of the class I struggle to create objects using OpenScad and would constantly ask for help from my teacher and peers but after days and weeks of practice I’ve learned to make spheres, cones among many other 3d objects. In this class I’ve learned how to continue pushing myself further and although at times I don't understand the context that shouldn't be a reason for me to give up. Now I feel confident to say I have become a true 3d design maker.


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